Alchemy Iphone Game Cheats

  1. There are 626 elements combine and discover. Use our full combinations list to complete the game. The game is available on iTunes and Google Play for iPhone, iPad and iPod. The game app is created by Snowy’s Apps. Hope you will enjoy our Alchemy Fusion Combinations Cheats List. Alchemy Fusion Combinations Cheats List.
  2. For Alchemy on the iOS (iPhone/iPad), we proudly present GameFAQs Q&A, which lets users help users with the tough questions.
For all you little alchemists out there here is a list of some combinations for the Little Alchemy App on Google Chrome. These elements are in order meaning if you follow this order, you will get all the elements in the game!

This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Dragon Quest VIII for iPhone.If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to the page, or have a correction. Doodle Alchemy combinations by category. Reti neenu October 7, 2017. Some things dont work you’ll have to find it out yourself like i thaught that glass and water made ice wich makes no cense. So i put cold and water together and guess what it made ice☺ (i don’t know how to make curd sorry). The original Alchemy game with 1,000 elements to find! Arcade horse race game cheat. Cheats allow you to unlock elements if you are really stuck.

Alchemy Iphone Game Cheats

Combine these elements to get the following elements! It is best to follow this order!
Water + Water = Sea
Water + Fire = Steam
Water + Air = Rain
Fire + Earth = Lava
Fire + Mud = Brick
Earth + Earth = Pressure
Earth + Steam = Geyser
Earth + Plant = Grass
Earth + Energy = Earthquake
Earth + Earthquake = Mountain
Fire + Dust = Gunpowder
Fire + Plant = Tobacco
Fire + Gunpowder = Explosion
Air + Air = Pressure
Air + Lava = Stone
Air + Pressure = Wind and Atmosphere
Air + Cloud = Sky
Air + Stone = Sand

Alchemy Iphone Game Cheats

Sea + Wind = Wave
Sea + Plant = Seaweed and Algae
Sea + Sky = Horizon
Sea + Sand = Beach
Ocean + Wind = Wave
Ocean + Plant = Seaweed and Algae
Ocean + Volcano = Isle
Ocean + Earthquake = Tsunami
Ocean + Sky = Horizon
Ocean + Sand = Beach
Mud + Plant = Swamp
Mud + Sand = Clay
Rain + Rain = Flood
Energy + Wind = Hurricane
Energy + Volcano = Eruption and Ash
Energy + Cloud = Storm
Energy + Swamp = Life
Pressure + Plant = Coal
Pressure + Coal = Diamond
Wind + Sand = Dune (Wind + Beach = Dune)
Dust + Fire = Gunpowder
Plant + Water = Algae
Plant + Fire = Tobacco
Plant + Earth = Grass
Plant + Sea = Seaweed and Algae
Plant + Plant = Garden
Plant + Sand = Cactus
Plant + Grass = Garden
Cloud + Earth = Fog
Cloud + Air = Sky
Cloud + Energy = Storm
Stone + Fire = Metal
Stone + Air = Sand
Stone + Life = Egg
Stone + Metal = Blade
Sky + Fire = Sun
Sky + Life = Bird
Sky + Egg = Bird
Sand + Fire = Glass
Sand + Sand = Desert
Sand + Egg = Turtle
Sand + Glass = Time and Hourglass
Isle + Isle = Archipelago
Swamp + Life = Bacteria
Swamp + Egg = Lizard
Swamp + Lizard = Alligator
Clay + Fire = Pottery and Brick
Clay + Life = Golem
Life + Water = Plankton
Life + Earth = Human
Coal + Metal = Steel
Coal + Time = Diamond
Gunpowder + Fire = Explosion
Gunpowder + Metal = Bullet
Grass + Blade = Scythe
Grass + Scythe = Hay
Metal + Air = Rust
Metal + Steam = Boiler
Metal + Energy = Electricity
Metal + Bird = Airplane
Metal + Blade = Sword
Metal + Glass = Glasses
Metal + Human = Tool
Metal + Explosion = Grenade
Metal + Bullet = Gun
Metal + Electricity = Wire
Metal + Tool = Armor
Egg + Water = Hard Roe
Egg + Fire = Omlette
Egg + Air = Bird
Blade + Gun = Bayonet
Sun + Sea = Salt
Sun + Mud = Brick
Sun + Rain = Rainbow
Sun + Plant = Sunflower
Sun + Time = Day
Sun + Tool = Solar Cell
Sun + Solar Cell = Electricity
Bird + Water = Duck
Bird + Fire = Phoenix
Bird + Human = Angel
Glass + Water = Aquarium
Glass + Plant = Greenhouse
Glass + Electricity = Light Bulb
Time + Rain = Flood
Time + Plant = Tree
Time + Coal = Diamond
Time + Lizard = Dinosaur
Time + Electricity = Clock
Time + Hard Roe = Fish
Lizard + Fire = Dragon
Human + Fire = Fireman
Human + Rain = Cold and Sickness
Human + Brick = House
Human + Dust = Allergy
Human + Plant = Farmer
Human + Blade = Blood
Human + Human = Sex
Human + Electricity = Electrician
Human + Sword = Warrior
Human + Glasses = Nerd
Human + Tool = Engineer
Human + Gun = Corpse
Human + Armor = Knight
Human + Hard Roe = Caviar
Human + Sickness = Sickness and Sickness
Human + House = Family
Steel + Blade = Sword
Explosion + Energy = Atom Bomb
Explosion + Sky = Fireworks
Tool + Earth = Field
Tool + Tree = Wood
Tool + Wood = Wheel
Tool + Boiler = Steam Engine
Wood + Pressure = Paper
Wood + Fire = Charcoal, Smoke, and Campire
Wood + Tobacco = Pipe
Wood + Water = Boat
Wood + Wheel = Cart
Wood + Corpse = Coffin
Wood + Wind = Flute
Wheel + Wheel = Bicycle
Wheel + Metal = Car
Coffin + Earth = Grave
Grave + Grave = Graveyard
Grave + Stone = Gravestone
Corpse + Life = Zombie
Zombie + Electricity = Frankenstein
Life + Forest = Wild Animal
Wild Animal + Wire = Snake
Wild Animal + Human = Livestock and Dog
Wild Animal + Wood = Beaver
Cold + Water = Ice
Cold + Rain = Snow
Ice + Rain = Hail
Ice + Mountain = Iceberg
Ice + Wild Animal = Penguin
Snow + Desert = Antartica
Snow + Storm = Blizzard
Snow + Human = Snowman
Paper + Paper = Newspaper
Blade + Wood = Axe
Tree + Tree = Forest
Farmer + Field = Cereal
Farmer + Tree = Fruit
Farmer + Life = Livestock
Livestock + Grass = Cow
Livestock + House = Barn
Livestock + Bird = Chicken
Livestock + Hay = Horse
Livestock + Mud = Pig
Cow + Tool = Meat
Cow + Farmer = Milk
Fruit + Time = Alcohol
Fruit + Tree = Fruit Tree
Fruit Tree + Fruit Tree = Orchard
Water + Pipe = Water Pipe
Cereal + Stone = Flour
Flour + Water = Dough
Dough + Fire = Bread
Fire + Bread = Toast
Milk + Time = Cheese
Cheese + Sky = Moon
Moon + Human = Astronaut
Moon + Time = Night
Night + Day = Twilight
Moon + Sea = Tides
Night + Bird = Owl
Moon + Sun = Eclipse
Night + Sky = Star
House + Sickness = Hospital
Human + Hospital = Doctor
House + Bird = Birdhouse
House + Wind = Windmill
Clock + Sun = Sundial
Clock + Bird = Cuckoo
Tree + Light bulb = Christmas Tree
Tree + Isle = Palm
Human + Meat = Butcher
Human + Axe = Lumberjack
Human + Bicycle = Cyclist
Knight + Dragon = Hero
Boat + Steam Engine = Steam Boat
Boat + Wind = Sailboat
Steam Engine + Steel = Train
Rainbow + Rainbow = Double Rainbow
Rain + Smoke = Acid Rain
Milk + Ice = Ice Cream
Bread + Cheese = Sandwich
Dough + Fruit = Cookie
Meat + Smoke = Ham
Sunflower + Pressure = Oil
Fish + Electricity = Electric Eel
Horse + Cart = Wagon
Campfire + House = Fireplace
Axe + Electricity = Chainsaw
Sea + Sickness = Seasickness
Light Bulb + Electricity = Light

***********THE GAME HAS BEEN UPDATED!!!********************
..and I am missing 110 combinations..
I am working on finding out the rest of the answers however I NEED YOUR HELP!

Leave a comment in the comment section of this page with the new combinations and I will be sure to add them to the new list to complete the list of 320 combos!

Alchemy Iphone Game Cheats List
