Neglected Wife Cheats Same Room While Hubby Watches Game

Neglected Wife Cheats Same Room While Hubby Watches Game
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A husband and wife, dissatisfied with their banal suburban existence, take a walk on the wild side one night with a couple they meet at the Zebra Lounge. Director: Kari Skogland Stars: Stephen Baldwin, Cameron Daddo, Kristy Swanson, Brandy Ledford. The film opens in a business office, where a man is explaining the operation of a movie camera to an office boy. The boss and an attractive female secretary then enter his office and begin. Dad is away, as he put it, 'on a business trip' and my stepmom has been left in charge to tackle the Thanksgiving festivities for. Her husband, meanwhile, wasn't faring much better. 'I watched him, almost in slow motion fly through the air in panic, the anaconda swerving all over the place threatening to strangle me to death.

Genevieve and her husband went to a sex club in Sydney.Source:Getty Images

WARNING: Sexual content.

I’M NOT an exhibitionist. And while I enjoy sex, I’m not into anything out there or over-the-top. Cheats civcity rome pc game.

Which is why I was surprised to find myself, a few weeks ago, having sex with my husband while a group of strangers watched.

So how did it come to this?

Out on a dinner date a few weeks ago, my partner and I were cruising around the streets with a post-meal ice cream when we came across Sydney’s Couples Club.

Curious, we googled it when we got home to see what that discreet unmarked door was hiding.

Turns out, it’s a sex club and its monthly First Time Friday night was coming up. On a whim, we decided to check it out.

Neglected Wife Cheats Same Room While Hubby Watches Game Time

It felt like less pressure to visit during a time when we wouldn’t be the only ones who had never done anything like this before.


We didn’t necessarily go with the intention of swinging, swapping partners or even “playing” (as the site described) with others — we were just curious and keen to explore something sexually new.

We love visiting strip clubs together (who doesn’t love a gorgeous woman dancing around?) so we knew we’d be comfortable with nudity, but laid out a few ground rules before we went.

For us, we decided if we felt like it, we would be game to have sex in front of others. We weren’t up for letting others join in though, and agreed if it was something either of us wanted to do in the moment, we could talk about it afterwards and go back for another visit to possibly pursue.


The Friday finally rolled around, and I had a glass of wine while getting ready for the evening.

I put on a new set of Agent Provocateur lingerie and sent a selfie to my BFF (who is a psychologist and was also super curious to hear about our experience) before we grabbed a bottle of champagne and hopped in an Uber — the club is BYOB, but there’s a bar you bring your alcohol to so a bartender can serve it to you.

As soon as we arrived, we were buzzing. After climbing three flights of red carpeted stairs, were reached the entrance where we were told the house rules: simply approach others you’re interested in, but if they put up a palm, it signals “no”, and vice versa.

Other than that, the jacuzzi, outdoor terrace and play room were our proverbial oyster.


We headed to the bar to have a glass or two of champagne first and take in the scene. Several screens showed various porn movies, there was a stripper pole in the middle of the room, and the bartender was in fishnets and underwear.

Several other couples were hanging around the bar, and within moments, a woman was bent over and being spanked. It was more humorous than sexy, and everyone seemed to be trying really hard to look natural and comfortable.

As we finished our drinks, a dancer entered and cleared the room to perform a striptease on the pole.

An older man loudly whooped and yelled throughout the entire performance, but it wasn’t anything crazy and we decided we wanted to go downstairs to see more.

Neglected Wife Cheats Same Room While Hubby Watches Gameplay

Several open yet separate rooms had various beds and couches scattered about, and most were occupied with couples having sex or several people tangled up in each other.

Props like whips and paddles decorated the rooms, and there were attachments against some walls to tie someone up with.


My partner and I saw a small, empty room containing one small bed and looked at each other and shrugged. “Why the hell not?” we thought.

I jumped on top, and during the time were we in there, a steady stream of people approached to try and join or just watch.

For me, I wasn’t particularly turned on by that, but wasn’t bothered either as obviously it came with the territory.


Neglected Wife Cheats Same Room While Hubby Watches Games

After we got dressed and left, we agreed we were glad we went (and came), but did it more for a good story than it being something either of us were really into.

Every person and couple has their own preferences and fetishes, and if exploring with others is your thing, it’s definitely worth checking out.

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Question - (14 September 2017) 8 Answers - (Newest, 12 December 2017)
A female age 30-35, *enetl writes:i want my husband to share me. i have had this desire for a long time. it started when my husband told me, during foreplay one night, he wanted to watch me have sex with another man. we talked about it and i said i would like to do it. but after the sex was over i told him that i really didn't want to do it. i was afraid that he would think less of me if i did it. also, i was afraid people would find out if i did it. but i do want to do it and i have been wanting to do it since my husband said he would like to watch me with another man. i think about it all the time and especially when i make love to my husband. however, my husband has never mentioned it again after i told him i did want to do it. but i really, really do want to so badly. my husband really sounded so excited by the idea of me having sex with someone. what i want to know, from people with experience in this, is how to proceed in this. i know i will have to ask my husband and i am wondering if i hurt his feelings rejecting it when he first asked me. he keeps his hurts suppressed so i am not sure if i hurt his feelings. he has not acted different. how do i prepare myself for having sex with another man and being married and my husband being there. my husband wanted to have sex with me after the other man has cum. i feel intimidated by the process of getting started. i guess it is making the first step. i am a bit shy. i am a second generation filipina-american. my family raised me to be quiet, seen but not heard. my father was an administrator and my mother was a teacher. i am in my early thirties and have two children. my husband is an army sergeant. he is very bold. he is more than twice my size. i am 5 feet, 1/2 inches tall and he is 6 feet 3 inches. i weigh 94lbs and he is 221lbs. he has many big muscles. and he is very kind and loving to me. we don't have any problems in our marriage. we have been married 7 years. i know i am not good at communicating, but we laugh a lot and talk every night. when we go to bed, my husband asks me about my day. he always asks about how i feel about things. i feel that i am happy. i am never bored. he makes love to me often. he is the only man i have had sex with. i think that makes me very interested in having another man while my husband watches. he is more experienced than me and said that he believes a married woman does not becomes her husbands property and that she needs to be her own person with her own likes and desires. i think i must talk about this with my husband and i will. but i think my big fear is how i will act and what will my husband think of me. does he really want me to enjoy another man's body to the point i really want it and like it alot? i think of two men touching me, having sex with me when i have sex with my husband. how do you women. who have done this, prepare yourself for it? how do you men see your wife afterwards.

View related questions: foreplay, married woman, muscle, sex with another, shy

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A reader, anonymous, writes (12 December 2017):

Speaking from experience.. don't do it. We 'spiced' things up. For a few years it was awesome at first. BUT, if you have underlying issues this will be the straw that ruins your marriage. It will take over your thoughts. It will become the center of your sex life. Your physical relationship should be an expression of your love for each other. I am not saying that married couples can't have hot steamy sex but when this enters your marriage it will DOMINATE your relationship.. and destroy it. We had a rock solid marriage. 20+ years. Kids, house, dog.. the whole 9 yards. We introduced this 'fun couple time' and it blew up. It became the centerpiece of our communication. 'When are we going to do it again'.. 'We gotta find that perfect person' .. Every time we went out and someone talked to her.. 'was he a potential partner'. Each time you do it then you want to take another step. If she was in the mood to find someone and I wasn't then I would get pissed that she was 'doing this on her own'. If I was in the mood for it and she wasn't. She would get pissed 'That is all you think about'. We only did the wife sharing thing. I wasn't interested in other women and no I am not bi. I can't tell you how much pain this caused. Once the 'permission' is given you can't take it back. You can't go back to how it used to be.. you never can. She ended up having a affair (not with anyone we met as a couple). It has take a few years but we are good friends again but unfortunately the damage is done. Words spoken in anger can't be taken back. The children have to visit two houses for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Close bonds with brother and sister in-laws have been lost. No it is not worth it.

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (23 September 2017):

Fantastic sex is from that special person who wants you in life and to be shared with others tends to ruin a marriage. I know that’s what happened to me on my first marriage . If you want to experience multiple men in bedroom get a ( toys) that cling to the wall and go that route it will give you the idea of what two men are like and it may turn him on or off depending on how much he loves you.

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A male reader, Billy Bathgate+, writes (17 September 2017):

Many men have the fantasy of seeing their wife with another man. I don't understand it but it's there. Your husband has that fantasy but I suspect it is just a fantasy and he has no interest in really seeing you with another man. I would let it go but if you really want to pursue it bring it up as part of foreplay the next time you're making love. If he says he is into it talk to him about it when you're done in that post coital bliss time and then see how he feels. Again I think he just likes the fantasy not the reality.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (17 September 2017):

My boyfriend is my first and only sexual partner. He took my virginity. And after 4.5 years together, I can honestly say I want or need no other man. All I want and need is my boyfriend. Sexually. And in every way. The passion and intensity I feel for him and from the sex we have is so incredible that I have absolutely no desire to ever be with anyone else. And the strong emotional connection I have to him safeguards me from any interest in anyone else. As it should be. I don't think you love your husband or are lacking something in your emotional connection. Or you would not be entertaining the thought of making a fleeting fantasy a destructive reality.

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (16 September 2017):

I think I can understand you. I think you feel that because you were a virgin when you married that you have missed all the fun that others had before settling down to marriage. But believe me that even if you had tons of fun before marriage you can still yearn for the carefree life you had before marriage. Especially if you are in a long term marriage no matter how happy you are in it. I can't say I was very popular with girls but still I dated around 30 girls before my marriage and slept with I think 5 of them in total. Now after many years of a monogamous marriage I fantasize all the time and wish If I had slept with all the 30. Probably wouldn't do it in reality. As the others have already emphasized that fantasy and reality are quite 2 diffrent things. Reality is much more complicated and nasty. So we mustn't mix the two together. I am sure your husband would be very hurt if you tell him about your fantasy and you would lose his trust and create immence chaous in your life. Just keep your fantasy in your head like we all do and good luck in your marriage life.

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A male reader, Code Warrior+, writes (15 September 2017):

I agree with Honeypie and I will also make the disclaimer that I haven't experienced it myself. However, close friends of ours did exactly what you're talking about. In all the years we knew them, we never knew about it until the very end. It all started with sex games. She would dress provactively and go to a hotel, get a room, and then go to the bar and sit by herself. She's a very attractive woman, and she would soon be getting hit on by other men. Then her husband would show up and act like just another guy hitting on her, only he would 'win', and take her back to the hotel room where they would have sex. Eventually, her husband wanted to have a threesome, but one in which he would have sex with her, and then she would have sex with the other guy while he watched. Her husband made the arrangements and his wife had sex with another man in front of him. They did that a couple of times, then he floated the idea that he would have sex with another woman while she had sex with that guy. She agreed to that. Then he started getting suspicious of her. He tracked her phone, put gps in her car, and sent private detectives to follow her. The private detectives caught her having sex with the guy in her car and took pictures and videos. Her husband went insane with anger. He framed all the pictures in a collage, wrote the words 'whore' all over it and hung it on the wall in the family room. Then he filed for divorce. That's when she confided in my wife what had been going on in their marriage. She tried to claim that her husband set up the car sex thing and even dressed her for it. My wife believes her. I don't. She too was a virgin when she married her husband, or at least that's what she told my wife. It's possible, I suppose. Frankly, I never did like her husband and I took every opportunity to give him shit, and I'm quite fond of her, but her story doesn't add up. Anyway, the divorce was nasty, my wife and I got dragged into the middle of it, he called the police on us, and he tried to run me over with his car. Very few people can handle the reality of bringing someone else into their marital bed. Judging from your post, you aren't one of those people. Frankly, your husband is a jackass for suggesting it, especially with the lame ass claim that wives should be shared. I don't believe that he believes that, and you're naive in the extreme about this. Furthermore, I'm suspicious of your motives as well. You're trying to claim that you're motivated to see your husband happy, and there's probably a lot of truth in that, but I believe that you're also hiding behind a desire to have sex with another man with your husband's permission. I don't believe for one second that your intentions are 100% pure and I further believe that if you enjoy it enough, you will destroy your marriage. Bank on it. Neither of you are prepared to handle this. You're much better off keeping this in fantasyland where it belongs. Don't destroy a happy marriage over something as lame as making this fantasy real.

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A female reader, Honeypie+, writes (15 September 2017):

DISCLAIMER: First, I will say I do not speak from experience as this is something I wouldn't do myself and my post will reflect my views. While I love a good fantasy (naughty or nice) I think the reason we DO fantasize is that we want full control over a situation. Who says what, who does what, who feels and think what. THAT! you can do in a fantasy. NOT in reality. In your head, the fantasy has played out in several version (I bet) and none of them ended in a negative fashion or emotionally hurtful. Am I right? The difference between REALITY and FANTASY is vast. It's like ordering a wedding dress online from a store that sells them for $10. The pictures (fantasy) looks amazing, the price is ridiculously great (fantasy) but when it shows up (reality) you GET what you paid for AKA a $10 dress.(reality). And you can return it but it will cost you more than it's worth.. REALITY. So here are my thoughts. ROLEPLAY with your husband. He can be someone else, YOU can be someone else. It's playing out the 'fantasy' in a very healthy, fun and safe way. If you add a man to your bedroom, how long till your husband wants to add a woman? It would be fair, right? And then HOW would you feel? Your husband sounds like a gem. When you told him no, I don't really want that, he NEVER brought it up again. That is a man who can TALK to his wife about fantasies, sex but also RESPECT what she said. Maybe once it was out there he had a little thought and decided in his own mind that sharing you is not something he really wants. VERY few people can leave emotions out of sex. You two have a 7+ year history with each other. ONE 'little' 3-some can obliterate those 7+ years of trust and respect in no time. While it might sound TANTALIZING to do it, how do you think it would really play out? What if this guy gives you the BEST ever sex. His dick is the perfect size for you. You will then probably want to try that again, either with the same guy or someone else. Your husband will start to feel like HE isn't MAN enough for you. That he is somehow lacking. It's all downhill from there. I think VERY few men ACTUALLY want to see their beloved wife get 'fu..' by another man. It's emasculating. Yes, I know there are guys who enjoy being a cuckold. I think if that was something your husband REALLY wanted.. He would have sought that out earlier than 7 years into the marriage. As for him wanting you to be your own person, again. Gem of a man. Doesn't mean he WANTS you, the mother of his kids, his wife, and partner in life to have sex with other men. As I'm sure YOU wouldn't really want HIM to stick his penis in other women, right? I have a good friend who was married to a sex addict. The guy was a walking hard-on, to be frank. They started early in their marriage to do the 'swinger-lifestyle'. She did it because she wanted to keep him happy and she could keep up with his libido of wanting sex 2-5 times a day. The thing is SHE really didn't want to do it but she did, FOR HIM. Over time she found that he would not stick to the rules, he would see women behind her back, have SEVERAL f-buddies who all thought, SHE had agreed to it. In the end, she found that emotionally she didn't want this anymore, he didn't want to quit so she divorced him. Both of them ended up in a emotionally bad place. Him for being 'indulged' all the time and putting HIS needs for sex above her and his family and her for doing things (sexually and otherwise) she really didn't WANT to do. HAVE a talk with your husband. Look for another way to spice up your sex life. Don't RUIN a good marriage and life for a fantasy that will NEVER live up to expectations.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (15 September 2017):

Hold it right there! Hubby is not going to like it .he's just testing you. Are you faithful? Or just another person out for a joyride and a visa! Or are you a future prostitute? If you love your husband then forget this idea. It is not sexy. It is not faithful. Yes it will make you look cheap and thats a bad idea. If you respect your husband stay faithful and no other man or woman in the bedroom. Then you will be happy for life.

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