James Bond 007 Nightfire Game Cheat Codes
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- James Bond Nightfire Cheats
- James Bond 007 Nightfire Game Cheat Codes Ps4
- James Bond 007 Nightfire
- James Bond 007 Nightfire Game Cheat Codes Ps3
This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for James Bond 007: NightFire for Xbox.If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to the page, or have a. Alternately, you can start the game using the +console 1 command line option, ie. 'c: Program Files EA Games Nightfire bond.exe' +console 1 Then, when you are in the game, press the ' (tilde) key and the console will drop down. Enter any of the codes below followed by 'Enter' to enable the following cheats: god - God Mode noclip - No Clipping.
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Get the latest James Bond 007: NightFire cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, hints, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for PlayStation 2 (PS2). CheatCodes.com has all you need to win every game you play!
Use the above links or scroll down see all to the PlayStation 2 cheats we have available for James Bond 007: NightFire.
Double Cross: Alternate Way Out Of Mayhew's Bunker
Pick up the armor on the bedside table, then geton the bed and walk into the corner behind thepillar and pick up the stun grenades. Get back onthe bed and look at the air duct thing. PressAction. The grate should swing open. You mighthave to back up, but that's okay. You have to jumpto get in it, then you walk to the ladder. Climbthe ladder until you run into the grate above.Press Action. The grate should swing up, and youshould be free to climb on out. You will be behindsome rocks. Look to the left just on the otherside of the rock from you. Use your SILENCED PP7and give the guy one headshot. He will fall dead.
Double Cross: Get A Sniper Rifle
When you are in the first garden after the cutscene in Mayhew's Bunker, go underwater and swimto the doorway undernath the little gong hut.Climb the ladder, and there is a room with aWinter Tactical Sniper and some ammo for another gun.
Double Cross: 007 Icons
The first 007 icon is when you walk out of theroom you start in, turn right and walk around thecorner. You will see it on the boardwalk. Thesecond 007 icon is up the stairs in the dim roomwith the statue in the middle next to the enemy upthere. The third 007 icon is on the deck of thegong hut in the first garden. The fourth 007 iconis on the boardwalk in the second garden near theenemy at the end of boardwalk. The fifth 007 iconis behind the changing panels near the kitchenwith the enemies and the hostage. The sixth 007icon is on the balcony right next to you when yousee the enemy on the roof. The seventh and last007 icon is in the janitorial closet next to thebedroom near the door the opens into three enemies.
Double Cross: Underwater Path Into Bathouse With Hostage
When you get into the first garden after thecutscene in Mayhew's Bunker, get in the water andswim through the underwater doorway. Swim untilyou see the ladder. The ladder is on the left inthe second 'indentation' (I couldn't think of abetter word). If you swim out into a garden fullof enemies, you have swam/swum too far. When youclimb the ladder and hit the grate, press actionand the grate will open. You will get a Bond Movefor this. Take out the enemy in the red clothingin the middle with one nicely placed headshot.You must take him out first, or else he will killthe hostage and it will be Mission Fail.
Multi-player: Skyrail: Sniping Location
Go to any of the giant rocks and circle it untilyou start to climb and crouch.
The Exchange: 007 Icons
The first 007 Icon is found when you go out thebuilding at the start. Kill the guard and gobackwards along the path. You will come to an endby a guard and the icon.The second 007 Icon is found in the wine cellar,behind some barrelsThe third 007 Icon is found after the tower bythe snipers. Go up the tower and to the left.The fourth 007 Icon is fund by the door you enterto meet Dominque. Keep going straight to astairway. The icon is by a fireplaceThe fifth 007 Icon is in the room where you meetDominque. It is to the left of the door that yougo out.The sixth 007 Icon is found after you spy on themeeting and go out the window. Go as far back asyou can.The seventh 007 Icon is near the cable car. Godown the railing and follow the path. There willbe a little building at the end, Go inside andget the icon.
The Exchange: Bond Move
Snipe the man in the tower and by the gates. Asthe truck is driving up to the castle, jump in byjumping on the front and then into the back.Kneel down and the truck will drive you into thecastle grounds.
Enemies Vanquished: 007 Icons
The first 007 icon can be found off to the leftside after driving past the first cop car.The second 007 icon can be found after jumpingfrom the stairway.The third 007 icon is in the air when you jumpfrom the snow hill, to the ice path.The forth 007 icon is on the left side of the icewhen the path separates into two.The last 007 icon is somewhere on the big patchof ice when you are trying to dispatch the guardsand helicopters.
Equinox : Defeating Drake
After destroying all the couplings on themissiles, a large explosion will appear wheredrake is located, and a hole will appear there.Look behind you. Look around until you see him.He has a darker tint than all the other henchmen.Shoot him two times to complete the game. Note:He fires homing missiles at you. Dodge them andkill him.
Island Infiltration: Bond Move
Go straight until the turn at bridge where youhave to download the code to get across. Keepgoing straight until you see the bushes. Gothrough those bushes for armor and a Bond Move.
Island Infiltration: 007 Icons
The first 007 icon can be found when you startthe level in the SUV. Turn round and go back asfar as you can to pick it up.The second 007 icon can be found when youdownload the access code. Go to the side of thehelipad and you will pick it up.The third 007 bonus can be found when you see thethird island Sentinel. Go to the right and youwill pick it up.The fourth 007 bonus can be found when you getinto the ultralight plane and destroy the bridge.You will come across one or two Sentinels, thenAlura will fly straight into the fourth 007 icon.
Night Shift: Opening Caged And Locked Doors
To open a cage door, press Action. To open alocked door with a keypad on it, use yourDecrypter. Point it towards the keypad and holdR1 to unlock it.
Night Shift: Bond Move
When you go in the room where Mayhew's computeris located, look for the Scorpion. It should benext to the desk. Then, go to the roof. Kill allthe guards, then shoot the helicopter with theScorpion. Shoot until it explodes or until youget the Bond Move.
Night Shift: Getting Rid Of Guards
Even though you cannot kill the guards, you canpunch them and they will disappear.
Paris Prelude: 007 Icons
The first 007 icon can be found immediately afteryou use the Q-Smoke. It will be to the left whenyou are driving.The second 007 icon is located after the truckblocks the path. Go up the stairs and it will beto your left.The third 007 icon will be in the air when youjump the little stairway.The last 007 icon can be found after you use yourQ-Boost to get across the bridge.
Phoenix Fire: Grenade Launcher
After Bond shoots out the elevator window, stop.Do not go in the building. Instead, look whereBond broke the window. Jump out onto the ledge onthe building. Look up and shoot your grapplinghook at the small black vent. When you land, youshould be on top of the elevator. Open up thewhite flashing vent. Go through the tunnel andopen up the vent you landed on and drop in. Lookaround for the grenade launcher and open thedoor. You can shoot the guard or make himsurrender for more points.
The Exchange: Alternate Route Into Castle
Head toward the castle doors. Before there youwill you see a set of stairs. Go down. Walk alongthe castle's outer ledge. As you continue along,watch your step. Continue to three windows. Becareful as two guards patrol inside where youare. After that, use your grapple to get to theback way in.
Multi-player: Double Pistols
Choose multi-player mode and for weapons selectPhoenix weapons. You will start with a pistol.Find another and you can use two pistols. Note:You must also be a Phoenix character.
General Tips
Use the scope on the sniper rifle to surveyunfamiliar environments. Use your environment toyour advantage. For example, a group of soldiersnear a gas drum can be eradicated with one wellplaced shot. Search all areas thoroughly for well-kept information or hidden supplies. Tryactivating anything that looks like a knob,switch, or secret passageway; anything that maybe opened, turned on/off, destroyed, etc. Shootout overhead lights to remain hidden in theshadows. Do not forget to use your gadgets; theyare vital to your success. When you see an enemyin the distance, stay out of sight, take yourtime, and drop him with a headshot. If you sneakup on an enemy from behind, put your gun to hisback and he will surrender. Look for glowingobjects; they provide clues as to what action youshould perform. Do not try to barrel throughgroups of enemies. Instead, take cover and pickthem off one at a time. Listen to M's advice. Shewill not mislead you. If you kill civilians, yourmission is over. Reload whenever you have achance. Even if you have half a clip remaining ifyour health is low, take the time to backtrackand search for body armor. When you requirestealth, attach the silencer to your Wolfram PP7.Keep a eye out for snipers in high places. Whenoutgunned, a flash grenade and hurried flight isbetter than an all-out fire fight. Use your laserwatch to break into locks and hatches.
Avoid Getting Blinded From Stun Grenades
When someone throws a stun grenade in front ofyou, turn away from it and you will not beblinded.
Frozen Bond
Stand outside the MI6 base on the Skyrail level.Go to your default weapon (your hands) and punchthe air. It will appear as if Bond's hands arefrozen. Note: This will not work if you are inthe shade or near any lights.
Take out your micro-camera and press R1. A flamewill appear.
Island Infiltration Secret Armor
when driving through the high hills before you goover the bridge make an almost u turn to get somearmor in a secret path.
Frantic Racing
While racing on the Paris Prelude, EnemiesVanquished, Island Infiltration, or Deep Descentlevel, press Start to pause game play, then holdL1 and press Square, Triangle, Circle, Square,Triangle, Circle, then release L1.
Chain Reaction: Crossbow And Ronin
After you get out of the first warehouse and getto the second sniper room with the hangar, climbthe ropes until you reach the balcony before thedoor. Look up and grapple the pipe. When you seea rope pointing towards the hangar, press Jumpnear it. You will slide in the hangar and land ona ledge, Grab the Crossbow and jump on thebuilding below. Stand on the vent and laser thelatch. Fall in and get the Ronin. Go out the pushdoor.
The Exchange Level Rewards
Successfully complete the level to unlock the ZoeNightshade card, Oddjob and Baron Samedi in multi-player mode, and Pistol upgrade.
Phoenix Fire Level Rewards
Successfully complete the level to unlock theAlura card and Demolition multi-player mode.
Paris Prelude Level Rewards
Successfully complete the level to unlock theDominque card, Jaws and Renard in multi-playermode, and Missile upgrade
Night Shift Level Rewards
Successfully complete the level to unlock theKiko card and Team King Of The Hill multi-playermode.
Island Infiltration Level Rewards
uccessfully complete the level to unlock theUltralight card and Protection multi-player mode.
Equinox Level Rewards
Successfully complete the level to unlock theJames Bond card, GoldenEye Strike multi-playermode, Sniper Rifle upgrade, and Bond Space Suitin multi-player mode.
Enemies Vanquished Level Rewards
Successfully complete the level to unlock theVanquish Car card, Scaramanga and May Day inmulti-player mode, and Camera upgrade.
Double Cross Level Rewards
Successfully complete the level to unlock theMayhew card, Uplink multi-player mode, SniperRifle upgrade, and Xenia Onatopp in multi-playermode.
Deep Descent Level Rewards
Successfully complete the level to unlock theVanquish Submarine card and Nick Nack in multi-player mode.
Countdown Level Rewards
Successfully complete the level to unlock theDrake card and Explosive Scenery multi-playermode.
Alpine Escape: 007 Icons
The first 007 icon can be found after you get thesnowmobile started, there is a little shack. Blowup the gas cans and you will drive through it.The second 007 icon can be found when you areface to face with a snowmobile. Blow it up beforeit passes you. An icon will appear in your path.To get the third 007 icon, when you get to thegate with the guards, kill the two on top withrocket launchers.
Chain Reaction Level Rewards
Successfully complete the level to unlock theRook card and Wai Lin in multi-player mode.
Alpine Escape Level Rewards
Successfully complete the level to unlock theMilitary Snowmobile card, Assassination andGrapple multi-player mode, and Max Zorin in multi-player mode.
Alpine Escape Level Rewards
Successfully complete the level to unlock theMilitary Snowmobile card, Assassination andGrapple multi-player mode, and Max Zorin in multi-player mode.
Deep Descent: Ship Identification
When you are going into the hole in the sunkenship, look slightly to the left to it. You willsee 'MALPRAVE IND.' and the Malprave trademark.Malprave was the front for the cloningfacilities.
Use Oddjob's Hat In Multiplayer
James Bond 007 Nightfire Iso
Once you've unlocked Oddjob in Multiplayer,scroll through your weapons to find his hat. Whenyou throw it at a person, it's a one shot kill,just like in the movie Goldfinger. To add therelation to Goldfinger, have one player beGoldfinger and the other Oddjob. Then go into theFort Knox mission. Have fun!
Countdown: Enter Armory
When you get into car door #16, instead of goingto the door before that (door #17), you shouldsee lockers with armor in one. Go up the stairsin the room and decrypt both keypads. Get AIMS20, trip bombs, and ammunition.
Alpine Escape: 007 Icons
The first 007 icon can be found after you get thesnowmobile started, there is a little shack. Blowup the gas cans and you will drive through it.The second 007 icon can be found when you areface to face with a snowmobile. Blow it up beforeit passes you. An icon will appear in your path.To get the third 007 icon, when you get to thegate with the guards, kill the two on top withrocket launchers.
Countdown: Destroying Mines
Instead of shooting mines, throw a remote minenear them. Then, detonate it at a safe distance.
Countdown: Defeating Ninjas
Instead of running from ninjas when you are inthe bunkers, throw remote mines or trip mines infront of your door.
Double Cross: Freeing The First Hostage
After getting inside the building, go straight towhere you saw one of the girls appear. Kill theman that is holding her so that he cannot shootthe girl. Kill all of the guards and the Geishagirl will be safe.
The Exchange: Hostage
Quietly go up to the first man down the stairs.You will automatically take his gun and he willact as a hostage. If you run away while his handsare up, he will take out a PP7.
The Exchange: Secret Area
When you start, jump on the ledge and walk untilyou get on a snowy cliff. Go down by the bustedcrate to get armor and a bonus. Go through thehole in the rocks and grapple the hook above.
The Exchange: Opening Locked Door And Safe
To open the locked door at the end, press Actionon the side of the door. Then, use your laser onyour watch to get in. After that, use your laseragain to open the safe. The glowing purple sideson the safe are where you need to shoot.
The Exchange: Getting Past Window
Take the alternate route around the castle. Whenyou reach the part where you have to walk by thewindow with the guards, stand next to the firstwindow and silence your PP7. Aim and shoot one ofthe guards. The guards will run off, but not setoff the alarm. You can now walk by the windowswithout being seen. However, when you get to thecastle entrance there will be two guards waitingfor you.
The Exchange: Getting Inside The Party
When you get into the castle walls, kill the twoguards. Then, go left into the next room. Killall of the guards in that room and follow thepath. In the next room, go up to the top rightstairway and kill the men. Follow the path, thenturn right, immediately after you pass the towerwall. Follow the path and it should lead youdirectly to the stairs that allow you enter theparty.
The Exchange: Free Ride
When you start, jump on the ledge and look on thepath until you see a truck. jump In the back ofthe truck and ride until you see someone talking.You will also get a Bond Move for this.
The Exchange: Finding Kiko
Kiko is in the party where all the guest are atwith the two windows. Go up to her and Bond willtalk to her.
The Exchange: Diver
When you get to the part where two henchmen aretalking, kill them and go up the stairs to theleft. You should see a man with his back to you.standing in front of a pond. Shoot him in theback of the head and he will fall in. Bond willsay 'I'd give that dive a three actually'.
The Exchange: Destroying The Helicopter
Using the Guided Missile Launcher, shoot thehelicopter near the propeller.
Secret door in 'Double Cross' level
In the Level 'Double Cross', go to the dark room bythe dragon safe. Put your night vision glasses onand look at the picture on the wall. You can seea door. Press the action button to open the door.
Unlock All Levels
Go into 'codenames' and go into 'secret unlocks'and enter 'PARTY'. Then when you play you willhave everyone.
Cheat Mode
For the following codes, select the 'Codenames'option at the main menu. Select your characterand enter a code. Save your Codename afterentering the code. Then, exit your Codename andbegin game play.
Super Bullets During Racing
While racing on the Paris Prelude, EnemiesVanquished, Island Infiltration, or Deep Descentlevel, press Start to pause game play, then holdL1 and press Circle(4), then release L1. Note:This can also be done when you are flying theplane with Alura.
Quadruple Armor During Racing
While racing on the Paris Prelude, EnemiesVanquished, Island Infiltration, or Deep Descentlevel, press Start to pause game play, then holdL1 and press Square, Triangle, Circle, Square(4),then release L1.
Double Armor During Racing
While racing on the Paris Prelude, EnemiesVanquished, Island Infiltration, or Deep Descentlevel, press Start to pause game play, then holdL1 and press Square, Triangle, Circle, Square(2),then release L1.
Berserk Racing
While racing on the Paris Prelude, EnemiesVanquished, Island Infiltration, or Deep Descentlevel, press Start to pause game play, then holdL1 and press Square, Triangle(2), Square,Triangle, Circle, then release L1.
Bonus Race In Alps
While racing on the Enemies Vanquished level,press Start to pause game play, then hold L1 andpress Circle(2), Square(2), Triangle, thenrelease L1.
Drive An SUV
While racing on the Enemies Vanquished level,press Start to pause game play, then hold L1 andpress Square, Circle, Triangle, Square, Triangle,then release L1.
Drive A Shelby Cobra
Begin game play on the Enemies Vanquished level.Press Start to pause game play, then hold L1 andpress Right(2), Left(2), Up, then release L1. Youcan now use the Shelby Cobra from the ParisPrelude level in the race through the Alps.
Double Cross Level
Enter AQUA at the 'Secret Unlocks' screen.
Countdown Level
Enter MELTDOWN at the 'Secret Unlocks' screen.
Alpine Escape Level
While racing on the Paris Prelude, EnemiesVanquished, Island Infiltration, or Deep Descentlevel, press Start to pause game play, then holdL1 and press Square, Triangle, Circle, Square,Triangle, Circle, then release L1.
Multi-player Bond Spacesuit
Enter BOOM at the 'Secret Unlocks' screen.
Multi-player Mode Demolition Option
Enter TARGET at the 'Secret Unlocks' screen.
All Multi-player Options
Enter ZAP at the 'Secret Unlocks' screen.
James Bond Nightfire Xbox
Grapple Upgrade
Enter SESAME at the 'Secret Unlocks' screen.
Camera Upgrade
Enter SCOPE at the 'Secret Unlocks' screen.
Bigger Clip For Sniper Rifle
Enter FLAME at the 'Secret Unlocks' screen.
Night Shift Level
Enter TRACTION at the 'Secret Unlocks' screen.
Multi-player Mode Wai Lin
Enter HEADCASE at the 'Secret Unlocks' screen.
Multi-player Mode Pussy Galore
Enter BADGIRL at the 'Secret Unlocks' screen.
Multi-player Mode Max Zorin
Enter DENTAL at the 'Secret Unlocks' screen.
Multi-player Mode Elektra King
Enter 'NUMBER 1' at the 'Secret Unlocks' screen.Note: There is a space in the code.
Unlock All Multiplayer Scenarios!
To unlock all multiplayer scenarios, enterGAMEROOM as a code at the codenames screen.
Vanquish Car Missile Upgrade
While racing on the Paris Prelude, EnemiesVanquished, Island Infiltration, or Deep Descentlevel, press Start to pause game play, then holdL1 and press Square, Triangle, Circle, Square(3),then release L1.
Tranquilizer Dart Upgrade
Enter SLEEPY at the 'Secret Unlocks' screen. Yourtranquilizer darts will be upgraded so thatenemies will stay down longer.
3x Armor In Car Levels
Go to any car level and hold L1, Press O, Square, Triangle, O(4), release L1.
All Upgrades
Go to secret unlocks and type in 'photon'.
2X Armor While Racing
While riding in a vehicle hold L1 and press Circle, Triangle, Square, Circle, Circle, Circle.
Golden PP7
AU PP7 at the secret unlocks menu. NOTE: there is a space
Golden P2K
Type in AU P2K at the secret unlocks menu NOTE: there IS a space.
Grapple Upgrade
Put in the code PASSPORT
All Levels
Type in 'PASSPORT' at the 'SECRET UNLOCKS' screenunder 'CODENAMES.'
All Multi-Player Characters
At the 'SECRET UNLOCKS' screen, enter 'ORBIT'
Team King Of The Hill In Multiplayer Mode
Enter VACUUM at the code screen.
Unlock Tuxedo Bond In Multi-player
Enter MIDAS at the code screen.
Unlock Christmas Jones In Multi-player
Enter VOODOO at the code screen.
Unlock Scaramanga In Multi-player
Enter CIRCUS at the code screen.
Unlock Xenia In Multi-player.
Enter BOWLER at the code screen.
Level Select
Enter 'TEAMWORK' as a code.
Assassination Mode
Enter 'Orbit' as a code.
Protect Mode
Enter 'TRANSMIT' as a code.
Explosive Scenery
We have no unlockables for James Bond 007: NightFire yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
We have no easter eggs for James Bond 007: NightFire yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
We have no glitches for James Bond 007: NightFire yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
Alpine Escape level rewards
Alpine Escape: Killing guards
Chain Reaction level rewards
Cheat Mode
sv_cheats 1
console 1
Then, when you are in the game, press the '`' (tilde) key and the console will drop down. Enter any of the codes below followed by 'Enter' to enable the following cheats:
Code - Result:
god - God Mode
noclip - No Clipping
notarget - Invisibility
James Bond Nightfire Cheats
fly - Fly Mode
map X - Change to Level X
Note: Some of these codes may cause problems in the game. Restart the game if this happens.
Cheat mode (demo version)
sv_cheats 1
console 1
Begin game play, then press ~ to display the console window. Enter one of the following codes and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function.
Effect - Code
God mode - god
No clipping mode - noclip
Invisibility - notarget
Flight mode - fly
Level select - map
Countdown level rewards
Deep Descent level rewards
Deep Descent: Ship identification
Double Cross level rewards
Double Cross: Freeing the first hostage
Double Cross: Freeing the second hostage
Double Cross: Hidden weapon
James Bond 007 Nightfire Game Cheat Codes Ps4
In the courtyard after the bunker, there is a small pagoda with a gong in it. Swim under the water. You can enter from underneath. Climb up the ladder. There is a winter tactical sniper lying on the box just in front of you. The pagoda interior can also be viewed from the security camera monitor/computer inside the bunker.Enable cheats codes
Enemies Vanquished level rewards
Enemies Vanquished: No gadgets in SUV
Equinox level rewards
Island Infiltration level rewards
Level select
Map names (demo version)
map m3_japan01
map m3_japan02
map m3_japan03
map m3_japan04
Night Shift level rewards
Paris Prelude level rewards
Phoenix Fire level rewards
Platinum Medals
The Exchange level rewards
Get exclusive James Bond 007: NightFire trainers and cheats at Cheat Happens
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